A rugged and accurate single-finger gage with wide-ranging capabilities.

For more than 40years Control Gaging Inc. has been putting its single-finger gage heads on some of the toughest applications that manufacturing plants can offer.
In a corner of one plant there is a gage controlling part size by measuring on the wet surface of a spinning grinding wheel. In another location there are two gages mounted on a shoe-centerless grinder, controlling diameter on deep roller tracks in a 30" recision bearing. In yet another, there are five pairs of gages on an in-line gage station with automatic change-over for parts within a 25mm size range.
A compact design that delivers superior repeatability over an extended range makes the WG1 our most versatile gage. Machined from stainless steel and assembled to the highest standards, the WG1 provides precise measurement under the most demanding conditions.
A single WG1 can be used as a locator, a height gage or any other application requiring one contact point. Two WG1 gages can be combined to measure diameter, thickness or length.
A finger retract capability of up to 16mm allows wide-range measurement (12.5mm per head, 25mm when used in pairs) and entry into deep grooves and tracks. And an optional tooling set, installed on the external portion of the gage arm, is available to convert the gage head for quick-setup capability.
- Small Compact Design
- Stainless Steel Body
- ID/OD Capable
- Smooth or Interrupted Surfaces
- RoHS Compliant
- 0003mm Repeatability @ 5.15 Sigma
- Externally Adjustable Contact Force, Overtravel & Retraction, ALL With No Special Tools!
WG1 Single Finger Gage (PDF)