Grip-Gage-Go Measures Parts in Transit
Gaging in the gripper eliminates post-gage space and process steps.

Target Applications
- Auto-loading grinders, turning centers, lathes
- 1 - 2 diameters
- Closed-loop size control
- Bad part segregation
- SPC data collection
The Grip-Gage-Go approach from Control Gaging Inc. supports the goal of designing out all unnecessary space, time or motion in manufacturing systems. Grip-Gage-Go can eliminate the extra loader motions and wait time required by a post-process gage station - in fact, it can eliminate the free-standing gage itself and the floor space it occupies.
Grip-Gage-Go integrates the measuring heads into the automation either by adding gages and part-locating features to the gripper itself, or by moving the part into or through a fixture that is mounted directly to the machine tool. The concept can be applied to both robotic and gantry-style Grippers can be designed with a combination of two-finger, single-finger, and chordal gages to access multiple diameters. Design integration of the machine, gaging and fixturing elements may be provided by Control Gaging or by the integrator with CGI assistance and review.
Grip-Gage-Go (PDF)

The D500 Gage Controller provides a range of software methods for trend-based size control. The advanced IPC option (Intelligent Process Control) significantly outperforms all other compensation techniques, and can control a machine to its best possible operating capability.